Obituary Grande Prairie & District Newspapers
Dedicated Branch members from these Branches have contributed long hours to indexing names and information from countless cemeteries, newspapers and telephone books in Alberta.
Planning your search
- In any column, start typing a single letter, a combination of letters, or a name.
- As soon as you type in letter(s) and/or a year—searching is instant.
- Currently there are no images in the Northwestern Alberta Obituary Index.
- No wild cards or truncation for searching is required.
- When you see an asterisk (*) is represented in the age field. This symbol indicates that the information was not taken from an obituary but rather from a news, memorial or other item.
- After narrowing your selection, click on More Details to see further information.
- To return to your search list, click on Back to Search. Entries read will be marked
Column description
- SURNAME—gives the last name of the individual
- Given Name—gives the first and perhaps middle names of the individual
- (Maiden)—a name in parentheses "( )" is the maiden name of a woman
- [Other married]—names in square brackets "[ ]" are other surnames, possibly other marriages or an alias
- Death Place—the place or location where the person died
- Newspaper—each newspaper was assigned a 3-5 letter abbreviation.
- Date—the day the obituary appears in the newspaper