Wainwright Star Chronicle, 1908–present
The weekly Wainwright Star began in 1908 with James Hossack Woods as owner, and H.E. Cummer, Editor. There were several owners and editors thereafter. The Star amalgamated with Chauvin Chronicle in January 1949 to form the Star Chronicle published by Leonard D'Albertanson, Jr. and sold in 1970.
Related titles:
Wainwright Star, 1908–1949
Star Chronicle, 1949 (short lived)
Wainwright Star-Chronicle, 1949–present
- Please see, Gloria M. Strathern's Alberta Newspapers, 1880-1982: An Historical Directory › for more newspaper titles in the Grande Prairie region. (Note pages 61, 236-237 for information on the Wainwright Star).
For online imaging, see:
Peel's Prairie Provinces website at http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/newspapers/WWS/ They have digitized from 1908 to 1950. Keyword searchable.
Wainwright Public Library has recently digitized 100 years of the Wainwright Star Chronicle. The database is now available free, being keyword searchable, with date filters by ArcaSearch. Visit them at http://www.wainwrightlibrary.ab.ca/Newspaper-Archives